Mixed Media Color Elevation Illustrations (sharing a common plan)
Many home building companies market their plans with multiple elevations. When color illustrations are used to convey an idea image to the potential buyer, a more effective sales presentation may be made. And, a tremendous cost savings can be had over constructing display homes of all the plans to be offered within a development. Using a faux one point perspective view and richly texturing the building materials focuses the attention on the front elevation.
Tempera color exterior low aerial perspective illustration
Hayden Homes condominium
Normally I am not an advocate for aerial views of residential projects as I believe that a potential buyer views their future home to be a street level unique unit as opposed to being a part of a larger complex. But the need to show how the three residences were connected yet while retaining privacy worked for this illustration. The builder cropped the left bay window room in the image and used it as a theme to sell the development. As quickly as the displays were built, the entire project was sold out because of location, reputation of the builder, and the detailed color illustration.
Blackline elevation illustration
This is an example of a blackline elevation illustration technique. Though it is the most affordable of illustrations, it is a strong image to sell a project to a potential homebuyer. Utilizing varying pen line sizes and a faux perspective coupled with contrasting shadows, it shows depth and texture that holds together for all reproduction media especially single color printed brochures.
Line & color elevation illustration
This is the same illustration with muliple media color added. This type of approach in illustration now gives the homebuilder two images with which to market his product. The color image could be used for grand opening press releases and also website publication.
Line & color perspective illustration
This is the same technique applied to a perspective drawing . Again the builder ends up with two images for publication.